MPD Welding Grand Rapids Inc offers you even more stress-relieving processes!
We provide a variety of stress-relieving processes including shot peening. For stress-relieving jobs that are done in conventional furnaces, MPD Welding Grand Rapids Inc has complete shot peening ability.
We have an on-site 12-foot table Wheelabrator that can handle loads of up to 20,000 pounds.

The Shot Peening Process
The shot peening technique is a cold work process. It is used to finish metal parts and lengthen the lifespan of their use.
During the peening process, a welding technician will use a small spherical shot to generate multiple indentations on the weld. This creates compressive residual stresses that, contrary to what most would think actually strengthen the metal.
The residual compressive stresses allow the metal to resist future residual stress, stress corrosion, and fatigue failures.
Shot peening is a metal & steel treatment. The process is intended to improve or extend the service life of a component's fatigue resistance and internal stress. It also helps prevent the development and propagation of cracks while under considerable stress.
Shot Peening In Welding
Welding distortions are caused by the contraction and expansion of welding metal. This occurs when there is uneven welding alternation. In other words, there are rapidly changing physical and mechanical properties that alter when heat is applied to weld joints.
These stresses can influence a weld surface's overall fatigue strength as time goes by. Shot peening is applied to both fillet welds and shallow surface cracks created by the welding process.
Shot peening is a cost-effective solution used during the production of critical parts for the aerospace, automotive, and petrochemical industries. Companies can enhance the mechanical properties of structures and components intended to be under considerable stress during use.